import random
import patience
import bugs

def it_was_working_yesterday():
    excuses = [
        "It works on my machine.",
        "It’s not a bug, it's a feature.",
        "Have you tried turning it off and on again?",
        "It's a user error",
        "I'll fix it in version 2.0",
        "Works in production, probably...",
        "I swear I didn't touch that file.",
        "Stack Overflow said it would work.",
        "I was just about to fix that!",
        "I need more coffee to figure this out."
    return random.choice(excuses)

print(f"Just in: {it_was_working_yesterday()}")

Hello 👋🏾

I’m a STEM enthusiast and junior back-end developer with a background in biology. Since beginning my coding journey in 2022, I've developed a strong interest in back-end programming, AI, and the intersection of technology and life science. I approach my work with creativity and passion, coding under the alias 'LycheeLoop.' In addition to code, I’m passionate about gaming (especially Zelda!), social justice, and continuous learning. Explore my work and join me on this journey!

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